21 March 2025 – 15:00 to 17:00 – In Person
OSINT Playdate
The January OSINT Workshop that we held was such a blast, that we decided to continue our collaboration with CyrenZH.
We’re introducing a series of OSINT playdates throughout the year. We will apply what we’ve learned and solve some puzzles together. The exercises will focus on solving, exchanging different approaches, techniques, and best practices, and of course, to meet likeminded OSINTers.
There will be easy to hard exercises, any level’s OSINTer is welcome!
The first playdate will be on the 21st of March 2025, it will be for OSINT Switzerland members and CyrenZH students and it will be possible to attend in person only.
Address: University of Zurich, Digital Society Initiative, SOC-E-010 Eventroom, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich
If you would like to attend in person, we kindly ask you to register in the form below. If for any reason you cannot attend anymore please let us know, since seats are limited!